
查詢條件:杜威十進位分類法, 分類號為 7*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Picture theory : essays on verbal and visual representation 700.1/M682 W. J. T. Mitchell The University of Chicago Press 1995 
2Book Byzantine art 709.0214/D948 Jannic Durand English translation, Murray Wyllie Terrail 1999 
3Book Memoirs of the blind : the self-portrait and other ruins 741.01/D438 Jacques Derrida translated by Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas University of Chicago Press 1993 
4Book The art of classical Chinese flower arrangement : Exhibitions in retrospect 745.92/W872 Creative direction, The Women's Garden and Art Club of the Republic of China ; Text, Huang Yung-ch Council for cultural planning & development, Executive Yuan 1994 
5Book Fabric Magic 747.5/P146 Melanie Paine Pantheon Books 1987 
6Book Guide to dreams /california 751/L563 Lisa Lenard ; foreword by StephenLaberge Dorling Kindersley, 2004 
7Book Frida Kahlo 759.972/S211 written by Ma Isabel Sanchez Vegara illustrated by Gee Fan Eng Frances Lincoln Children's Books 2016 
8Book Game of Thrones : a pop-up guide to Westeros 791.4572/R371 paper engineering, Matthew Reinhart ; cover and interier illustrations, Michae Komarck ; text Chri Insight editions 2014 

 頁次: 1/1

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