Where butterflies fill the sky : a story of immigration, family, and finding home

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:56577
書  名Where butterflies fill the skya story of immigration, family, and finding home
作  者MarwanZahra
出 版 商Bloomsbury Children's Books
稽 核 項40 unnumbered pages; color illustrations; 26 x 27 cm
標  題Kuwaiti Americans
標  題Stateless persons
標  題Immigrants
摘 要 註An evocative picture book that tells the true story of the author's immigration from Kuwait to the United States"--Provided by publisher
使用者註Ages: 4-8;Bloomsbury Children's Books
國際標準書號(ISBN)9781547606511 hbk.. NT$665

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