小說.秒速5公分 : a chain of short stories about their distance

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:55677

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200 1_ |a小說.秒速5公分|d5 centimeters per second|ea chain of short stories about their distance|zeng|f新海誠作|g黃彥彰譯
205 __ |a二版
210 __ |a臺北市|c尖端|d2021[民110]
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225 2_ |a嬉.文化
410 _0 |12001 |a嬉.文化
454 _1 |12001 |a小說.秒速5Й⑦ХфみЬю
510 1_ |a5 centimeters per second|ea chain of short stories about their distance|zeng
681 __ |a861.57|b8422
700 _1 |a新海|b|4702 _1 |a|b彥彰|4801 _0 |atw|b內湖高中|c20211118|gCCR
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