The essential blended learning PD planner : where classroom practice meets distance learning

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:55504
書  名The essential blended learning PD plannerwhere classroom practice meets distance learning
作  者Mekhitarian, Stepan
出 版 商Corwin
版  次[First edition]
稽 核 項xxi, 134 pages; portrait, figures; 26 cm
標  題Blended learning
標  題Curriculum planning
標  題Educational equalization
標  題Digital divide
集  叢Corwin teaching essentials
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (pages 131-132) and index
摘 要 註This book will help educators capitalize on the skills and capacity built during remote learning to implement effective blended learning models in the classroom setting. The book will cover the integration of instructional technology, effective approaches to collaboration, professional development, assessment, feedback, digital citizenship and differentiated instruction. Most importantly, Mekhitarian will address how the effective implementation of blended learning across schools and systems can impact equity and access for all students."
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-0718-4372-7 acid-free paper. US$29.95
電子資源URLonline resources 
詳細館藏 1-2 筆 (共 2 筆)
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