Dragon of the red dawn

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:53930
書  名Dragon of the red dawn
作  者by Mary Pope Osborne ;illustrated by Sal Murdocca
出 版 項New York :; Scholastic,; 2008, c2007
稽 核 項108 p. :; ill. ;; 20 cm
標  題Time travel
標  題Magic
標  題Happiness
標  題Brothers and sisters
標  題Time travel
標  題Magic
標  題Happiness
標  題Brothers and sisters
標  題Voyages dans le temps
標  題Japan
標  題Japan
集  叢Magic tree house. A merlin mission ;
附 註 項Lexile 580
內 容 註For Merlin's sake -- Imperial garden -- Basho -- Sushi andSamo -- Excellent student? -- Banana tree -- Clang, clang,clang! -- In the red dawn -- Flowers of Edo -- Journey ofa thousand miles -- More about Basho, Edo, and Haiku
摘 要 註When Merlin is weighed down by sorrows, Jack and Annietravel back to feudal Japan to learn one of the foursecrets of happiness
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