Leader xxxxxxxxxx
001 __ 102585/5/01
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010 0_ |a9789578950276|b平裝|d新臺幣360元
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100 __ |a20190417d2018 k y0chiy50 b
101 1_ |achi|ceng
102 __ |atw
105 __ |aa z 000yy
200 1_ |a5秒法則|e倒數54321,衝了!全球百萬人實證的高效行動法,根治惰性,改變人生|f梅爾.羅賓斯(Mel Robbins)著|g吳宜蓁譯
205 __ |a初版
210 __ |a臺北市|c采實文化|d2018[民107]
215 0_ |a327面|c圖|d21公分
225 12 |a心視野系列|v030
527 11 |aThe 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage|zeng
517 1_ |a倒數54321,衝了!全球百萬人實證的高效行動法,根治惰性,改變人生|zchi
517 1_ |a五秒法則|zchi
606 __ |2cst|a成功法
606 __ |2cst|a自信
606 __ |2cst|a勇氣
700 _1 |a羅賓斯|c(Robbins, Mel)|4著
702 _1 |a吳|b宜蓁|4譯
750 _1 |aRobbins|bMel
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801 _0 |atw|bLibDipper|c20190417|gCCR