The HyperDoc handbook : digital lesson design using Google apps

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:52466
書  名The HyperDoc handbookdigital lesson design using Google apps
作  者Highfill, Lisa
出 版 商EdTechTeam Press
稽 核 項122 pages, 3 leaves; color illustrations, charts, color portraits; 26 cm
標  題Google Apps
標  題Google Docs
標  題Computer managed instruction
標  題Interactive multimedia
標  題Educational technology
標  題Education
內 容 註HyperDocs : the ultimate change agent,Transformative instruction. Methods of delivery : pedagogy and practice,Meet all students' needs,HyperDocs are for all educators,How to create a HyperDoc. How can you hack a HyperDoc?,The four Cs of transformation,A HyperDoc creator's learning progression,Build your own HyperDoc. How to use the templates,Checklists to hack your HyperDocs,Off you go! Teachers give teachers,a common story,Give one,take one,Better together,Your journey begins,Bring HyperDoc training to your school
摘 要 註The authors "show you how to use some of today's best tools to spark students' curiosity and get them involved as creators - of content and learning - rather than simply consumers. If you have fully embraced the Digital Age, you'll glean exciting ideas for using HyperDocs - interactive digital lessons - to push to new levels of learning in your classroom. And if you don't consider yourself to be 'tech-savvy,' this guidebook and its templates will make creating and using HyperDocs easy. Here's what you'll find inside The HyperDoc Handbook: ideas and step-by-step instructions for how to create digital lessons, tips on apps that make your HyperDoc lessons rich and relevant, links and QR codes to lesson plans and templates that you can adapt for your students, a self-assessment rubric to evaluate your HyperDocs, [and] the confidence to create your first HyperDoc"--Provided by publisher
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-945167-00-3 paperback
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-945167-04-1 e-book
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