Transforming libraries : a toolkit for innovators, makers, and seekers

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:52464
書  名Transforming librariesa toolkit for innovators, makers, and seekers
作  者Starker, Ron
出 版 商EdTechTeam Press
稽 核 項xvi, 287, [1] pages; illustrations, figures; 23 cm
標  題Libraries
標  題Information services
標  題Library planning
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (pages [247]-251)
摘 要 註Why do we need libraries when we have Google?" Today's libraries are in jeopardy. And yes, perhaps if libraries were only book warehouses, we wouldn't need them. But libraries can be so much more than a place to check out books. In the Digital Age, it's more important than ever for libraries to evolve into gathering points for collaboration, spaces for innovation, and places where authentic learning occurs. Transforming Libraries proposes a new role for librarians and for libraries-- one that offers patrons places to think, to explore, to create, and problem-solve together. Rather than the quiet dusty hall of decades past, Ron Starker reveals ways to make libraries makerspaces, innovation centers, community commons, and learning design studios that engage multiple forms of intelligence. Packed with almost 500 tools and resources, Transforming Libraries offers real-life examples of how to turn libraries into intelligently designed centers that are essential for today's schools."
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-945167-30-0 papaerback
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-945167-31-7 eBook
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