The buried giant

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:48848
書  名The buried giant
作  者Ishiguro, Kazuo
出 版 商Faber and Faber
出版日期2015, c2015
版  次Export edition
稽 核 項345 pages; 24 cm
標  題Husband and wife
標  題Quests (Expeditions)
標  題Dragons
標  題Sons
標  題Amnesiacs
附  註Translated as: 被埋葬的記憶
使用者註As elderly Briton couple Axl and Beatrice journey to visit the son they've not seen in years, they begin to remember the troubled past they share with their traveling companions--a Saxon warrior, his orphaned charge, and an illustrious knight
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-0-571-31504-8 paperback
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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