
資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:48284

Leader xxxxxxxxxx
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005 __ 20211025153550.0
010 1_ |a9780062024039|bpaperback|dUS$9.99
010 1_ |a9780062024022|btrade bdg
100 __ |a20101027d20122011de y0engy09      b
101 0_ |aeng
102 __ |aus|bny
105 __ |ay   z   000ay
200 1_ |aDivergent|fVeronica Roth
205 __ |aFirst paperback edition
210 __ |aNew York|cKatherine Tegen Books|d2012, c2011
215 1_ |a487, [74] pages|d21 cm
300 __ |aTraslated as: 分歧者
300 __ |aSequel: Insurgent
330 __ |aIn a future Chicago, sixteen-year-old Beatrice Prior mustchoose among five predetermined factions to define heridentity for the rest of her life, a decision made moredifficult when she discovers that she is an anomoly whodoes not fit into any one group, and that the society shelives in is not perfect after all. 
453 _1 |12001 |a分歧者
606 __ |2lc|aCourage|xJuvenile fiction
606 __ |2lc|aSocial classes|xJuvenile fiction
606 __ |2lc|aIdentity|xJuvenile fiction
606 __ |2lc|aFamilies|xJuvenile fiction
676 __ |a813.6|bR845
681 __ |a874|bR845 2012
700 _1 |aRoth, Veronica|f1988-|4author
770 _1 |a羅斯|c(Roth, Veronica, 1988- )
801 _0 |atw|b內湖高中|c20150504
801 _2 |atw|b內湖高中|c20211025|grda
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