The report card

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:46696
書  名The report card
作  者Clements, Andrew
出 版 商Atheneum Books for Young Readers
出版日期2006, c2004
版  次First paperback edition
稽 核 項173 pages; 20 cm
標  題Grading and marking (Students)
標  題Achievement tests
標  題Schools
標  題Genius
標  題Friendship
附  註Translated as: 成績單
摘 要 註Fifth-grader Nora Rowley has always hidden the fact that she is a genius from everyone because all she wants is to be normal, but when she comes up with a plan to prove that grades are not important, things begin to get out of control.
使用者註Ages 8-12.
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-0-689-84524-6 paperback. US$5.99
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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