Boy : tales of childhood

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:41611
書  名Boytales of childhood
作  者Dahl, Roald
出 版 商Puffin Books
出版日期2009, c1984
版  次Reissued
稽 核 項[14], 176 pages; illustrations; 20 cm
標  題Authors, English
標  題Authors, English
附  註Cover illustration by Quentin Blake.
附  註First published in the United States of America by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1984.
內 容 註Starting-point: Papa and Mama -- Kindergarten, 1922-3 -- Llandaff Cathedral School, 1923-5 (age 7-9): Bicycle and the sweet-shop -- Great mouse plot -- Mr. Coombes -- Mrs. Pratchett's revenge -- Going to Norway -- Magic Island -- Visit to the doctor -- St. Peter's, 1925-9 (age 9-13): First day -- Writing home -- Matron -- Homesickness -- Drive in the motor-car -- Captain Hardcastle -- Little Ellis and the boil -- Goat's tobacco -- Repton and Shell, 1929-36 (age 13-20): Getting dressed for the big school -- Boazers -- Headmaster -- Chocolates -- Corkers -- Fagging -- Games and photography -- Goodbye school
摘 要 註Presents humorous anecdotes from the author's childhood which includes summer vacations in Norway and an English boarding school.
使用者註Ages 8-12.
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-0-14-241381-4 paperback. US$6.99
詳細館藏 1-2 筆 (共 2 筆)
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