For one more day

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:39006
書  名For one more day
作  者Albom, Mitch
出 版 商Sphere
出版日期2007, c2006
版  次Paperback edition
稽 核 項197 pages; 18 cm
標  題Future life
標  題Suicidal behavior
附  註Translated as: 再給我一天
摘 要 註This is the story of Charley, a child of divorce who is always forced to choose between his mother and his father. He grows into a man and starts a family of his own. But one fateful weekend, he leaves his mother to secretly be with his father and she dies while he is gone. This haunts him for years. It unravels his own young family. It leads him to depression and drunkenness. One night, he decides to take his life. But somewhere between this world and the next, he encounters his mother again, in their hometown, and gets to spend one last day with her the day he missed and always wished he'd had. He asks the questions many of us yearn to ask, the questions we never ask while our parents are alive. By the end of this magical day, Charley discovers how little he really knew about his mother, the secret of how her love saved their family, and how deeply he wants the second chance to save his own.
國際標準書號(ISBN)9780751537536 paperback. £6.99
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