Harry Potter and the goblet of fire

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:33865
書  名Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
作  者Rowling, J. K.
出 版 商Bloomsbury
版  次First edition
稽 核 項636 pages; 20 cm
標  題Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Imaginary organization)
標  題Wizards
標  題Magic
標  題Schools
標  題Children's stories
附  註Sequel to: Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
附  註Sequel: Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix
附  註Translated as: 哈利波特 : 火盃的考驗
摘 要 註Fourteen-year-old Harry Potter joins the Weasleys at the Quidditch World Cup, then enters his fourth year at Hogwarts Academy where he is mysteriously entered in an unusual contest that challenges his wizarding skills, friendships and character, amid signs that an old enemy is growing stronger.
國際標準書號(ISBN)0747550999 parperback. £6.99
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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