
查詢條件:出版者=Oxford University Press,

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Jane Eyre 428.64/O98 Charlotte Bronte Oxford University Press 1994 
2book Treasure island 870.8/P964  Oxford University Press, 1992 
3Book The Mathematical Olympiad handbook : an introduction to problem solving based on the first 32 British mathematical oly 510.76/G221 A. Gardiner Oxford University Press 1997 
4Book Oxford wordposer dictionary 805.13/W413 edited by Sally Wehmeier Oxford University Press 1993 
5Book The Joy luck club 805.18/84 Amy Tan Retold by Clare West Oxford University Press 2002 
6Book A dictionary of modern English usage 805.13/F789 by H. W. Fowler Oxford University Press 1983 
7book The canterville ghost 805.18/855 by Oscar Wilde retold by John Escott Oxford university press 2008 
8book Love among the haystacks 874.57/8575 written by D.H. Lawrence retold by Jennifer Bassett Oxford University Press 2008 
9book Martin Luther King 874.57/8357 written byAlan C. McLean Oxford University Press 2008 
10book The accidental tourist 874.57/8363 written by Anne Tyler retold by Jennifer Bassett Oxford University Press 2008 

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