
查詢條件:杜威十進位分類法, 分類號為 8*

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Longman dictionary of English language and culture. 805.12/S955  Longman, 1993 
2Book The word finder / 805.13/R685 J. I. Rodale Garden City Books, 1983 
3Book The Random House thesaurus / 805.13/S818 edited by Jess Stein and Stuart Berg Flexner Random House, 1984 
4Book 朗文英漢雙解活用詞典 = : Longman active study English-Chinese dictionary. 805.13/836  朗文, 1991 
5Book Practical rhetoric and composition for Chinese students 808/R634 James T. Robbins Shin Lou Book Co. 1991 
6Book Writing tools : 55 essential strategies for every writer 808.042/C594 Roy Peter Clark Little, Brown, and Company 2016 
7Book Roald Dahl's Charlie and the chocolate factory : a play 812.54/G348 adapted by Richard George introdoction. by Roald Dahl Penguin Books 1979 
8Book Mockingjay / 813/S968 Suzanne Collins Scholastic Singapore, 2010 
9Book The wonderful Wizard of Oz 813.4/B339 by L. Frank Baum ; with illustrations by MinaLima Harper Design, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers 2021 
10Book The great Gatsby 813.52/F553 F. Scott Fitzgerald Scribner 2004 

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