Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:33864
書  名Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix
作  者Rowling, J. K.
出 版 商Bloomsbury
出版日期2003, c2003
版  次Revised edition
稽 核 項766 pages; 21 cm
標  題Potter, Harry (Fictitious character)
標  題Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Imaginary organization)
標  題Wizards
標  題Magic
標  題Schools
標  題Coming of age
標  題Children's stories
附  註Sequel to: Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
附  註Sequel: Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
附  註Translated as: 哈利波特 : 鳳凰會的密令
摘 要 註When the government of the magic world and authorities at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry refuse to believe in the growing threat of a freshly revived Lord Voldemort, fifteen-year-old Harry Potter finds support from his loyal friends in facing the evil wizard and other new terrors.
國際標準書號(ISBN)0747551006 hardback. £16.99
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