Factfulness : ten reasons we're wrong about the world--and why things are better than you think

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:52557
書  名Factfulnessten reasons we're wrong about the world--and why things are better than you think
作  者Rosling, Hans
出 版 商Flatiron Books
版  次First edition
稽 核 項x, 342 pages; illustrations, color maps; 22 cm
標  題Critical thinking
標  題Prejudices
標  題Information literacy
標  題Stress management
標  題Reality
附  註Maps on lining papers
附  註Translated as: 真確 : 扭轉十大直覺偏誤,發現事情比你想的美
書 目 註Includes bibliographical references (pages [299]-325) and index
內 容 註Introduction -- The gap instinct -- The negativity instinct -- The straight line instinct -- The fear instinct -- The size instinct -- The generalization instinct -- The destiny instinct -- The single perspective instinct -- The blame instinct -- The urgency instinct -- Factfulness in practice -- Acknowledgements -- Appendix 1: How did your country do? -- Notes -- Index
國際標準書號(ISBN)9781250107817 hardback. US$27.99
國際標準書號(ISBN)9781250123817 ebook
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