Room one : a mystery or two

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:45676
書  名Room onea mystery or two
作  者Clements, Andrew
出 版 商Aladdin Paperbacks
出版日期2008, c2006
版  次First Aladdin Paperbacks edition
稽 核 項162, [24] pages; illustrations; 20 cm
標  題Schools
標  題City and town life
標  題Homeless persons
附  註Edgar Allan Poe Award winner, 2007.
摘 要 註Ted Hammond, the only sixth grader in his small Nebraska town's one-room schoolhouse, searches for clues to the disappearance of a homeless family. Ted Hammond learns that in a very small town, there's no such thing as an isolated event. And the solution of one mystery is often the beginning of another.
使用者註Ages 8-12.
國際標準書號(ISBN)9780689866876 paperback. US$5.99
國際標準書號(ISBN)0689866879 paperback
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