
查詢條件:標題=Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Imaginary organization),

編號書名索書號作者出版者 年代
1Book Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 823.914/R884 by J. K. Rowling illustrations by Mary Grandpre Arthur A. Levine Books 1998 
2Book Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets 823.914/R884 by J. K. Rowling illustrations by Mary Grandpre Scholastic Inc. 2000 
3Book Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban 823.914/R884 by J. K. Rowling illustrations by Mary Grandpre Scholastic Inc. 2001 
4Book Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix 823.914/R884 J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury 2003 
5Book Harry Potter and the goblet of fire 823.914/R884 J. K. Rowling Bloomsbury 2000 
6Book Harry Potter and the half-blood prince 823.914/R884 by J. K. Rowling illustrations by Mary Grandpre Arthur A. Levine Books 2005 
7Book Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone 823.914/R884 by J. K. Rowling illustrations by Mary Grandpre Scholastic Inc. 1999 

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