Eyes that speak to the stars

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:56569
書  名Eyes that speak to the stars
作  者HoJoanna
出 版 商Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
版  次First edition
稽 核 項30 unnumbered pages; color illustrations; 29 cm
標  題Self-confidence
標  題Families
標  題Fathers and sons
標  題Grandparents
標  題Asian Americans
標  題Grandparent and child
標  題Eye
標  題Physical-appearance-based bias
標  題Cultural pluralism
附  註A companion to the New York Times bestseller Eyes that kiss in the corners"--Cover
摘 要 註A young Asian boy notices that his eyes look different from his peers' after seeing his friend's drawing of them. After talking to his father, the boy realizes that his eyes rise to the skies and speak to the stars, shine like sunlit rays, and glimpse trails of light from those who came before--in fact, his eyes are like his father's, his agong's, and his little brother's, and they are visionary. Inspired by the men in his family, he recognizes his own power and strength from within. This extraordinary picture book redefines what it means to be truly you
使用者註Ages 4-8
國際標準書號(ISBN)9780063057753 hbk.. NT$665
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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