The Queen's gambit

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:55460
書  名The Queen's gambit
作  者Tevis, Walter S.
出 版 商Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC
出版日期2020, c1983
版  次First Vintage contemporaries movie tie-in edition
稽 核 項[12], 243 pages; 21 cm
標  題Women chess players
標  題Orphans
標  題Chess players
標  題Chess
標  題Competition (Psychology)
標  題Drug addiction
標  題Fear
集  叢Vintage contemporaries
附  註\"A Netflix original series"--Cover
摘 要 註Orphan Beth Harmon overcomes her fears and shyness by learning to play chess and, over the years, improves her game to become a national champion and to play the world grandmasters.
國際標準書號(ISBN)9780593314654 paperback. US$16.95
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