Chineasy for children

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:56089
書  名Chineasy for children
作  者Hsueh, ShaoLan
出 版 商Thames & Hudson
稽 核 項80 pages; color illustrations; 29 cm
標  題Chinese language
標  題Chinese characters
標  題Chinese language
附  註The author's Chinese name is 薛曉嵐.
附  註In English, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.
附  註部分內容英漢對照 ; 部分內容為繁體中文
書 目 註Includes index
內 容 註reading pictures -- common characters -- building words -- building new characters -- my world -- body -- family -- king and queen -- people -- opposites -- counting to ten -- animals -- on the farm -- pets -- pond life -- in the wild -- nature -- nature walk -- weather -- sun and moon -- the planets -- let's go to China -- China -- noodle bar -- dragon boat festival -- zodiac animals -- Chinese New Year -- picture dictionary -- notes for parents and teachers -- index -- answers
摘 要 註Chineasy is the fun and easy way to learn how to read Chinese characters with pictures. Learn 100 words for people, animals and numbers, and discover China's foods, festivals and traditions. You'll be surprised how easy Chinese is when you learn it the Chineasy way.
國際標準書號(ISBN)9780500651216 hardback. £12.95
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