Behind the beautiful forevers : life, death and hope in a Mumbai slum

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:51811
書  名Behind the beautiful foreverslife, death and hope in a Mumbai slum
作  者Boo, Katherine
出 版 商Portobello Books
版  次paperback edition
稽 核 項xxii, 256, [1] pages; 20 cm
標  題Creative nonfiction
標  題Mumbai (India)
標  題Mumbai (India)
標  題Urban poor
附  註\"科技部補助人文及社會科學研究圖書設備計畫規劃主題:正向心理學及其應用"--此附註由LibDipper抄編; t037驗收; t561確認誤抄臺師大書目
附  註First published Portobello Books 2012.
附  註Winner of the National Book Award for nonfiction 2012.
附  註Translated as: 美好永遠的背後 : 寫著「美好永遠」的機場邊牆背後正上演著眾多不美好的故事
摘 要 註Profiles everyday life in the settlement of Annawadi as experienced by a Muslim teen, an ambitious rural mother, and a young scrap metal thief, illuminating how their efforts to build better lives are challenged by religious, caste, and economic tensions.
國際標準書號(ISBN)9781846274510 paperback. £9.99
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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