Writing tools : 55 essential strategies for every writer

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:52558
書  名Writing tools55 essential strategies for every writer
作  者Clark, Roy Peter
出 版 商Little, Brown, and Company
版  次Revised Little, Brown paperback edition
稽 核 項xv, 290, [14] pages; 21 cm
標  題Authorship
標  題English language
附  註10th anniversary edition , featuring five new tools"-- Front cover
書 目 註Includes index
摘 要 註Roy Peter Clark distills decades of experience into 50 tools that will help any writer become more fluent and effective. This book covers everything from the most basic ("Tool 5: Watch those adverbs") to the more complex ("Tool 34: Turn your notebook into a camera") and provides more than 200 examples from literature and journalism to illustrate the concepts. For students, aspiring novelists, and writers of memos, e-mails, PowerPoint presentations, and love letters, here are 50 tools
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-0-316-01499-1 paperback. US$15.99
詳細館藏(共 1 筆)
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