The Mosquito Coast

資料類型: Book 圖書   書目號:41319
書  名The Mosquito Coast
作  者Waterfield, Robin
出 版 商Pearson Education
稽 核 項[69] pages; illustrations; 20 cm+ 2 CDs
標  題Honduras
標  題Readers for new literates
標  題Reading and comprehension
集  叢Penguin readers
附  註原著由t038譯為狄盧並取作者號(6101120),由t038譯為狄盧並取作者號補0(2019210); 由t561刪除,Paul Theroux改譯索魯 ; 作者號改取出版社
附  註Contemporary. American English.
摘 要 註Allie Fox hates the United States and he hates the twentieth century. He takes his wife and children to the jungle in Honduras to find a new, simpler way of living. But things go wrong, and their lives become much worse and more frightening than anything back home
使用者註Level 4. 1700 headwords. Intermediate.
館 藏 註館藏2019210無附件可借(20221209)
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-4058-7971-2 Audio CD pack
國際標準書號(ISBN)978-1-4058-7664-3 paperback
詳細館藏 1-2 筆 (共 2 筆)
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